• Welcome to my blog!

    M/M romance is where my passion lies, and this is where to find out what I’ve written, what I’m working on, and and of course tidbits from whatever else catches my attention from time to time. Come and look around, and feel free to comment on anything at anytime! And of course - Happy Reading!
  • November 2014
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Why endings are so important….


How many times have you suffered through a hard-to-enjoy novel or movie only to discover, after an amazing ending, that the whole thing actually works brilliantly…

…the ending is what the story is all about—it’s not the icing on the cake…

It’s the reason the story exists.

– Nury Vittachi

(The Curious Diary of Mr. Jam)

…well said…and so very true…

Then also from his blog:

Whenever I am placed in possession of a friend’s computer, I call up the auto-correct dictionary and add new commands. Change “you” to “thou,” “the” to “ye oldde,” “okay” to “verily,” all “-n” endings to “-nst,” etc.

Then I give it back.

Your friend will find himself/herself writing perfect Shakespearian English. It’s like a miracle.

…yeah  winking-smiley-face-clip-art-jixpK6xiE

…speaking of favorites…



…they came up in conversation today, and I’m still surprised at the reactions I get when I tell people I don’t have a favorite anything.  Colors, foods, movies, music…people have tons of them, but for me it all depends on what I’m in the mood for at the moment.  And it easily changes from one moment to the next.  And usually does.  Sometimes at lightning speed.  The reactions are even funnier when I say I don’t have a single hobby – I have dozens of them.  It usually results in the “rolling of the eyes” or some such, and I know – dozens *may* be an exaggeration, but really, I usually get bored with them after a surprisingly short amount of time, so hobbies come and go around here and interests change pretty quickly for me.

Except when it comes writing…and of course reading.  Those are the two things that can pretty much hold my attention indefinitely.   Probably the only two things, but ah well.  Variety is the spice of life and all, and I get to do the two things I really love…nothing wrong with that…

  • Latest Release

  • Detective Eric Geller just saw his case against crime boss Victor Kroger thrown out of court. Convinced there’s more to the dismissal than contaminated evidence, Eric shifts from investigating Victor to investigating the judge, determined to bring Victor to justice. But when a package of photographs appears on his doorstep, it sets into motion a series of events that begins to threaten his personal life as well as his professional career. T.J. Briscoe has been married to Eric for seven years, and he knows the stress of the job can lead to jumping at shadows. While initially supportive of Eric’s decision to pursue Victor, T.J. nevertheless grows wary as Eric’s behavior becomes increasingly erratic. He may have married Eric with the intention of forever, but if Eric crosses the line between caution and paranoia, their relationship may be the first casualty.